Hi again Tetractys,
Hmm. Sorry to hear you're having problems with Studio. I constantly make
near hour long DVDs from mostly my Canon DV camcorder, but also mix with
analogue video from a JVC S-VHS VCR, and a mix of still photos from five
different digital cameras of all resolutions.
My projects are not state of the art, but are full of menus, titles, J-cuts,
L-cuts, various audio tracks, and all kinds of dissolve effects. Been with
the program since Version 7. I think many people had problems with early
releases of Version 8, but is ran great after about the second set of
updates. For me, Version 9 was perfect right out of the box. My update to
Version 9 Plus went well and am going to be trying out many of the new
SUGGESTIONS. I read this little newsgroup and one other about Pinnacle
products, but you'll find the most useful information in places like:
http://www.mikeshaw.co.uk/index.htm (check out his "Links" page)
There are a number of things that you need to do to your computer to have a
successful video editing system. There are also some pretty steep hardware
requirements. Frankly, since I and tens of thousands of others can use
Studio with great success tends to argue for the fact that the software will
successfully do everything that is intended when set up properly on an
adequate hardware platform. I would suggest that you investigate this avenue
in resolving the problems you are having. Believe me Tetractys (and anyone
reading), I absolutely delight in working with Studio and learning more from
the community of users that I find on the internet.
As a side note, I just came through sinus surgery and am home now working
with Studio to help keep my mind off the pain. Now I guess that is sick. :)
Good luck, and I hope I've been a little help and encouragement to you.
Post by TetractysPost by TIM CAYWOODWhy do you use Nero instead of the
handy built-in power of Studio?
Because two of the handy built-in features
of Studio are crashes and frozen rendering.
Post by TIM CAYWOODNero made them very contrasty and harsh. Looked like Nero had applied
some kind of excessive sharpening to the images.
I agree. The image resolution with Nero
is not as good, and I also agree about
the cobbled Nero interface.
But with Nero, I always achieve a good
rendering. With Pinnacle, it's a crapshoot.
A very time-wasting frustrating crapshoot.
I use Studio pretty much only for capturing
and editing of small sections of video.
I then render them to DV tape and to AVI,
in short -- about 5 minutes to 10 minutes max --
To make a VHS tape, I copy the short DV
renderings serially. To make a DVD, I add
the chapters to a Nero project, and burn it
out of Nero.
I never use Studio for long projects, for
DVD rendering, or for any complicated
mixture of titles, transitions, or plug-ins
(like StageTools, etc.)
Why? Because my experience over a long
period of time with Studio is that while it has
a terrific interface, it is so poorly executed and
so buggy that it's not worth the time to trust it
for anything other than a simple 5-minute scene.